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By Alan Yusko

We are certainly living in the last days before the return of the Lord Jesus. One sad event in these last days is seeing some Christians who have become isolated due to no fault of themselves. These people used to attend a church that was once solid. However, with the last days apostasy many churches have fallen away down the path of compromise and heresy. As a result many truly saved people have been forced to leave these churches. However, finding a good church is getting increasingly difficult. I have heard people say that there are simply no solid Bible believing churches in their area. As a result these people have no place to attend.

The purpose of this tract is to encourage those who find themselves in this position. Hold on and stay faithful to the Lord as soon He will return!


The 'hip' churches of the day are involved in rock music, charismatic foolishness, name-it-and-claim it prosperity heresy, uniting with Romanism, and other worldly entertainments. All this is at the expense of prayer and Bible study. In fact, in days past expository Bible study used to be a blessing to God's people. However, today pastors have no interest and have replaced such things with godless entertainment like puppet shows and rock and roll music. Many in such apostate churches let their children get obsessed with secular rock music, enjoy the occult (videos and Harry Potter type of reading), and many other evil forms of entertainment. I even know of one 'professing Christian' who wanted their child to read the Harry Potter series. These occult/wizard books are an abomination to God, but this professing Christian wanted to expose their child to this form of demonism. The list of evils practices and heresies can go on-and-on!

This trend didn't start immediately but has been slowly increasing since the 1980's. It is very sad but many churches have indeed fallen away into compromise, error, and worldliness. These churches have lost their love of the Lord!

Rev 2
4 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.
5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

If pastors and congregations had loved the Lord Jesus then they would not have been led astray by the worldly, fleshly, things of the devil.

True Christians who love the Lord have been faced with a problem. They can either 'go with the flow' and be led into apostasy and compromise. Or, they can hold fast and be faithful to their Lord whom the love. Those who have chosen to remain faithful to the Lord have stayed for awhile in their church giving warning to the approaching apostasy and compromise. Unfortunately, the warnings were not heeded. In fact these Christians had to face rudeness and rejection from those committed to doctrinal error. I have personally seen much rudeness from such false and professing Christian people. You should see all the nasty emails I get from false professing Christian tares who do not like the warnings given on the web site about Satan's rock and roll music. These people write rude and insulting messages and some even sign them... "In Christ" at the end. It is quite a contradiction! But these false Christian tares who love the things of the devil and reject the things of God are quite cruel and cold hearted. I can't imagine wanting to attend a church full of such people!

People as they fall away from the Lord also develop cold hearts. Here is what the Bible says:

Matt 24
11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

As a result cold hearted pastors and error loving members of the congregation will attack those who stand up for what is right. Christians have suffered attacks and rejection from within their home church. Over time they would leave their church as the trend toward apostasy could not be stopped. After leaving, a search would be made for a new church. Some would find a good Bible believing church to attend. Others however, would live in such an area where a solid Bible church does not exist. These people would find themselves in a position of having no where to attend church.

I'm not making any of this up. I have heard from Christians in such a condition. They have been hurt and rejected and many are suffering from loneliness and lack of fellowship. There is a price to pay for staying faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ! It is a good price to pay and will reap rewards at the Beama judgment seat of Christ!

All I can say to such Christians is that you have done the right thing! Stay faithful to the Lord Jesus at all costs. Do not partake of the apostasy and compromise of these last days that has destroyed many churches. However, keep your options open. In these last days many are forming home churches. These would be small groups of Christians who meet at homes for prayer and Bible study. The internet can also offer fellowship opportunities of like minded Christians. There are also web pages and email message lists that may benefit those who stay faithful to the Lord Jesus in these last days. Hang in there and stay faithful as soon the Lord Jesus will return!

2 Cor 5
10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.